Digital Learning


Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) is for year 4-6 learners. The school is well resourced with devices to use at all levels.

A list of FAQs about BYOT 

Does my child need to bring their ipad/device to school every day?

Yes, if possible. It may not be used every day but part of their Growing Self Responsibility is to have the device ready for learning every day – obviously on some occasions such as sports days the devices will not be required at all that day.

I do have an iTunes account, but my child does not have access to this, is there any way I can load the necessary apps on, at home, without giving my password? Do we get sent a list of the apps to download?

How you run iTunes accounts with your child is your personal parenting preference. Some of the Yr 5 and 6 learners last year had their own accounts while others’ parents downloaded apps for them. We will let you know if there are any particular apps your child may benefit from having.

How will the devices be used? Roughly what percentage of time is anticipated to be spent on the devices in a week during classroom time?

The devices are used where appropriate to enhance the learning of each individual child

  • They assist the making of connections by enabling students to enter and explore new learning environments, overcoming barriers of distance and time
  • Devices facilitate shared learning by enabling students to join or create communities of learners that extend well beyond the classroom
  • They also assist in the creation of supportive learning environments by offering resources that take account of individual, cultural, or developmental differences
  • BYOT enhances opportunities to learn by offering students virtual experiences and tools that save them time, allowing them to take their learning further

Is there a preferred type of device that you as the teacher have noticed work most effectively?

There are many suitable devices that suit different learners and we do not dictate which device to purchase. For more information see the BYOT letter or talk with your child’s teacher.

What if we choose not to provide a device – does this affect our child’s learning progress?

Not at all – there are a variety of digital devices available for learning in each learning space.

If we don’t go down the path of an Apple device – are all the apps the same and I’m guessing they don’t have iMovie – what will that mean?

Not all apps and/or devices are created equal, however, BYOT is about getting the best out of your device and each device has affordances and constraints – there is no ‘one size fits all’ device. Teachers will work with children to get the best out of each device.

Whilst my child has access and use of a computer and iPad at home I would be very reluctant to let him bring an iPad to school for everyday use.

BYOT at Our Place is absolutely the choice of the parents, and the learner if they have permission.