There are many opportunities for our tamariki to grow as leaders at St Ignatius Catholic school. Below are some examples of leadership in our school.

Junior Joeys/Playground Leaders
“Never see a need without doing something about it.” St Mary MacKillop
The primary role of a Junior Joey is to give back to our school community. They work together to voice the opinions of our tamariki and are part of organising school-wide activities. The role of a Junior Joey is all about problem-solving by students with students. It is a process by which children who are having problems in the playground can work through with a Junior Joey to find a solution. This role will assist duty teachers in supporting and ensuring all children feel safe and secure in our school environment. Our Junior Joeys play a huge part in the Catholic special character of our school by assisting teachers and other students in liturgies and prayer.

Arts Leaders
“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.” Pablo Picasso
Our arts leaders support the school community with our school wide art event which is known as The Art Exhibition or The Sculpture Trail (depending on which year it is!) Our arts leaders support our school in the areas of visual arts, music, dance and drama and facilitate lunchtime art clubs in school time.

Sports Leaders
“I don’t believe in magic, I believe in hard work.” Richie McCaw
The primary role for our sports leaders is to support the school community with sporting events, for example cross country/athletics. They are also be given opportunities to run sports games during lunch times. Our sports leaders ensure all of our sports gear and equipment is well cared for and organised each kai time.
Library Leaders
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book.” Dr Seuss
Our library leaders ensure that the library is a well organised and fun place to be, often coming up with and running competitions and games in the library each kai time. Library leaders also help out our junior classes to issue and return books when it is their library session and help Kaiako run library lessons!
Enviro Leaders
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr Seuss, The Lorax
Our Enviro Leaders’ role is to ensure that our school grounds are looked after. They also do a lot of environmental work around the school and lead initiatives for the whole school such as collecting bread tags to repurpose, soft plastics to recycle and composting. They go to learning spaces to educate tamariki and kaiako on environmental issues regularly.

Digital Technology Leaders
“We’re changing the world with technology.” Bill Gates
Our Digital technology leaders (or tech heads as they like to be called) are responsible for checking the devices and technology in our school. They ensure that devices are being charged, cared for and cleaned regularly. They are our “go to” leaders when we need help with learning new technology or to troubleshoot problems!

Māori/Cultural Leaders
“He waka eke noa” “A canoe which we are all in with no exception” Māori proverb
The Māori/cultural leaders lead the cultural team in our school. They ensure that each culture in our school is celebrated and valued and represented in our everyday life at school. These leaders organise and run cultural week activities as well as language week activities across the whole school. Our Māori leader’s role is to ensure that the principles of Ti Tiriti o Waitangi are being upheld at our kura. These leaders are responsible for leading Kapa Haka, te reo Māori and tikanga across the school. These leaders are often seen taking small lessons in reo or teaching groups how to sing a new waiata.

Security Leaders
Our Security team ensure that our school is a safe place to be. They help assist the school office with things like checking fire exits around the school are not blocked and that exit lights are illuminated.

Road patrol
Our road patrol team ensures that our tamariki cross the road safely each day after school. They are trained by our Community Police Constable – Constable Gordon.