
St. Ignatius Catholic Primary School  [under the Education and Training Act 2020]  has a maximum roll of 321 pupils at primary level, from new entrants to year 6.

Applications for new entrants are accepted at any time from the child’s date of birth.  Applications for new entrant positions close on the 31st of August of the year preceding the child starting school.  The Principal will write and advise parents early in September if they have been successful in gaining a place.   Applications for year levels, other than new entrant, are accepted throughout the year.

The school has an Enrolment Policy, which works in conjunction with a school zone, and is applied if there are more applications than places available.

The school can accept up to 5% of non-preference children if places are available after all preference children are accepted.

To obtain an enrolment form please see forms linked below or contact the school office.

The following items are detailed on the reverse side of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference Preference of Enrolment Certificate for the Diocese of Auckland:

  • Criteria for Preference of Enrolment in Integrated Catholic Schools
  • Agents of the Bishop , who may sign the certificate on his behalf
  • Process of appeal

NZCBC Preference Certificate October 2022

St. Ignatius Catholic Primary School is a signed party to the Ministry of Education Cohort Entry Policy.  The Education and Training Act 2020 supercedes the updated Education Amendment Act 2019 (the Act) which came into force on 14th May 2019 [previous version 2017].   Amended provisions relating to cohort entry took effect from 1 January 2020.  As a result New Entrant children at St. Ignatius Catholic Primary School will start in cohorts but only after they have turned five years of age AND there will be two entry points per term, one on the first day of term and one at a mid-point during the term.  The Cohort Entry mid-term dates are determined by the Ministry of Education throughout the year and we cannot deviate from them. The Ministry has the right to change any detail of the Cohort Entry policy.

For further information on enrolment please contact the Principal principal@stignatius.school.nz or our Enrolment Administrator, Hilary Murphy office@stignatius.school.nz